Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is a picture of downtown Milwaukee at the end of the 19th century(photographer unknown). This picture really grabs my attention because I'm a big fan of old pictures of towns. I come from a mining town and I've always loved looking at pictures of the area from years ago, how it all looked back then and comparing it to what that same "picture" would look like today.
I especially like how it's a snapshot of downtown Milwaukee and yet it captures so much. I like how it looks as though time has been frozen for a moment. You can tell the streets are full of people and everyone has somewhere to be, but yet it's as though everyone stopped for a split second. I think the vantage point played a key role in this picture. It looks as though the it was taken from a few stories up and shooting straight across the street. At first my eyes go straight to the front building and then follows the buildings back towards the right. It feels like the two streets have framed in those buildings, like they're the focal point of the picture.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I am an United States Air Force Vet and just recently moved to the area to be with my husband. I love the outdoors and look forward to taking great pictures of the things I see.

This is my first semester here at NOVA and I'm working towards my photography dergree. I love art and pictures, so I thought what a better thing to go to school for. I move around a lot and have lived around the world, so with this degree I will be able to work wherever I go. I'm looking forward to exploring my options as a photographer.